We are in the third month of this new decade, 2020. It is a time like no other, a time of uncertainty due to the corona virus strain COVID19. Everyone is struggling in some way or another. Some are having feelings of anxiety, fear, disappointment, and confusion. But two things you can control right now: (1) social distancing and (2) your personal brand.
But what the hell is a personal brand? Some people say it is your niche market as an entrepreneur. Others will herald this it is simply what you mean to your target audience, and eventual consumers. Lately I’ve been hearing that your personal brand is what people say when you are not in the room. Gary Vaynerchuk reinforced this recently in one of his videos when he said you personal brand is your reputation. In fact, Gary Vee actually suggests that we use the word if you don’t like the term personal brand.
But what does this mean? You could watch endless hours on YouTube or read tons of self help books. I certainly can say I’ve done this (and will probably continue to do so). BUT, at the end of the day we live in a “put up or shut up” world. This means that while you could certainly spend hours crafting your brand presence (and you should), but ultimately you’ve got to hustle. For me as a writer this means I need to write my ass off. As an entrepreneur I have to grind. No matter what, you have no control over who enjoys working with you, who enjoys your product, whomever you influence, or who wants your content.
What you can control however is your approach, what you create, your attitude, your consistency, your discipline, and dedication. These things are within your power and with the right mindset will build your brand for you. Nobody calls anyone disciplined who tells them they are. You get branded as disciplined by showing people your mastery of a regiment and being consistent in that regard.
I am one of those people that believes that you can beat talent with grit. People love talent but they respond to production. Can you think of anyone who you see as talented that isn’t dedicated or filled with grit? People like LeBron James because of what he does and has produced, not what he can produce. The same applies to art, entrepreneurship, employment, positions of power, etc. Personal brand isn’t about showing off your Lamborghini or becoming the “next Gary Vee.” It’s about showing your authentic self in all you do, while remaining consistent, staying humble, and embracing vulnerability. With this mix of sociocultural ingredients, your personal brand is bound to brew itself.